We are a proud member of the European Evaluation Society and the Norwegian Impact Investment Network (NORNAB).

Our goal is to support EdTech investors to incentivize positive, educational impact alongside social and environmental impacts and a financial return.


Our Services

Truly impactful EdTech products are based on collective expertise. Our network of experts is here to support the growth of your impact investments/

  • We specialize in auditing and assisting investors who seek to establish impact evidence and monitoring systems. Our focus lies in developing precise and accurate impact metrics that are measurable over time, enabling both internal and external monitoring and evaluation of their portfolio companies and overall investment portfolio performance.

  • We offer specialized impact management services tailored to EdTech investors seeking to enhance their investment strategies. Our expertise lies in developing robust impact measurement frameworks that enable precise and actionable monitoring of educational outcomes over time. These frameworks and tools are informed by the latest developments in impact management within the education sector, aligning with criteria established by impact thought leaders such as Impact Frontiers, as well as global agencies including the World Bank and UNESCO. By staying at the forefront of impact methodologies, we ensure that EdTech investors have access to the most effective strategies for driving positive educational impact.