Nurturing The Evidence Mindset

40 Questions That Foster The Research Habits of Mind

In today's dynamic education scene, educators and governmental bodies are increasingly discerning, seeking innovative solutions that truly contribute to educational progress. While assessing impact is crucial, it's not a box-ticking task; it requires thoughtful reflection and collaborative effort in genuinely addressing impact-related challenges.

WiKIT crafted a set of questions to fortify your commitment to significantly influence lives. The questions are designed to aid you in magnifying and maintaining your focus on creating substantial educational and societal impacts, beyond the basic metrics of user engagement and revenue.

The questions aim to foster reflection, discussion, and action among educational professionals, decision-makers and investors to enhance their strategic approach in the ever-evolving landscape of education and educational technology. We recommend the questions are asked according to four principles: regularity, reliability, responsiveness, and relevance of the questions to your specific context.

The importance of an evidence Mindset in EdTech

Example questions

1.    Which scientific studies and/or evidence support our solution (solution, approach or intervention)?

2.    How do we judge the quality of the evidence/studies that inform or support our solution?

3.    What is new, original and counterintuitive about our approach compared to our


4.    How does science/research contradict our approach?

5.    Which research papers are most relevant to the specific design features of our solution?

The questions support professionals’ commitment to the quintessential 5Es of evidence - Efficacy, Effectiveness, Equity, Ethics, and Environment.

The questions were crafted to lead to new insights among individuals and groups and generate reflection and discussion. They come in a set of two packs, 40 in total and were developed by Professor Natalia I. Kucirkova and Dr Martina Lewis for WiKIT, AS, 2023. Read more about the importance of an Evidence Mindset in EdTech in EdTech Digest and Diplomatic Courier.

And for tips on how the Evidence Mindset can increase your revenue, check out the discussion in i2insights.

Evidence Mindset

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Evidence Mindset Reflection Cards
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