Our sister organisation- the ICEIE


The 5Es Framework

The WiKIT research group, led by Professor Natalia Kucirkova, played a central role in creating the validation criteria, evaluation structure, and certification procedure for the International Certification of Evidence of Impact in Education (ICEIE).

The ICEIE is the first and only international certification of evidence of impact in education. Built around the framework of the 5Es (Efficacy, Effectiveness, Ethics, Equity, and Environment), these certifications provide documentation of evidence of impact in five areas.

The 5Es correspond to other major EdTech frameworks such as the ones developed by UNESCO and UNICEF, as outlined in this Crosswalks Brief.

How does the ICEIE certify EdTech?

  • The equity criteria were developed based on the report Equity by Design that systematically reviewed all available equity-related criteria in EdTech as of 2024.

  • The company Key2Enable submitted an evidence package outlining their practices in relation to the Equity criteria.

  • WiKIT AS researchers reviewed the evidence submitted by Key2Enable using the ICEIE criteria and scored it using the Equity validation rubric. The researchers submitted their consolidated scores

    to the ICEIE with a recommendation for certification.

  • Based on the validator's positive response, the ICEIE issued Complori with the corresponding ICEIE badge and certificate.


Does the Centre issue certifications?

The Centre does not issue certifications. The Centre supports all reputable providers with their certifications and the umbrella certification organisation: the ICEIE. The ICEIE acts as an independent not-for-profit organisation.

Can a company get Gold in one category but Bronze in another category?

Yes. While we advocate for a balance between impact level across the five verticals, the reality is that many companies score high on some but low on other dimensions.

Who can apply for an ICEIE certification?

Any company with a technology addressing education. This includes Edtech targeting K12, Higher education, vocational or formal training. It also includes Edtech targeting the home market and informal learning environments.

Is there a re-certification process?

The ICEIE certification is valid for two years. After the initial two-year period, you can apply for recertification. The process involves updating the product’s evidence portfolio. There is a reduced or no fee for being re-certified, depending on the extent of changes to your product since its original certification.

I don’t have an existing efficacy/effectiveness certification. Can I still get certified by ICEIE?

Yes, but a research partner needs to prepare your evidence portfolio so that it can be evaluated by an ICEIE’s validator – please see the Criteria document.

Is the badge for a product or a study or the provider?

The badge is for product, not for provider. The provider can have several studies for one product. The provider can get several ICEIE certificates reflecting the different studies. Typically, providers select the highest scoring study for their certification.