Aspirational Principles for Desired Capabilities and Research Collaborations in the EdTech Industry


This report highlights essential principles for intentionally designing EdTech to achieve efficacy and effectiveness, with the goal of improving students' outcomes in learning, social interaction, and overall well-being.

Key principles across three pivotal stages of EdTech growth are outlined:

1. technology design and development

2. implementation and scaling, and

3. validation or experimental evaluation.

The application of the three principles for capacity building in EdTech is illustrated through a practical example: Age of Learning's integration of efficacy and effectiveness research into curriculum and product development; user design and evaluation research; and marketing and communication efforts.

Published: May 14, 2024

Authors: Natalia I. Kucirkova, Hee Jin Bang, and Ekaterina Cooper

Suggested citation:

Kucirkova, Bang, & Cooper (2024). Aspirational principles for desired capabilities and research collaborations in the EdTech industry, WiKIT AS, DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36296.33284/1


Policy Brief: Equity in EdTech by design


Equity in EdTech by Design