Our partnership with Injini in South Africa!

The International Centre for EdTech Impact has recently joined forces with INJINI, EdTech Accelerator and Think Tank, on a new project that will leverage EdTech towards Improving Education Outcomes and Inclusion in Special Needs Schools in the Western Cape.

The partners share a joint commitment to supporting the impact in the EdTech sector with a holistic understanding of impact-building across state and non-state actors.

Natalia Kucirkova, ICEIE Director, said: "As we strive for a more inclusive and equitable education system, it is crucial that we address the needs of learners with disabilities, who have historically been marginalized. By supporting projects that integrate accessible EdTech solutions, we are not only improving access to quality education for all students but also fostering environments where every learner has the opportunity to succeed. This initiative aligns with our mission to drive impactful change in education, with inclusivity at its centre and across all regions.”

ICEI will support Injini in a project aimed at improving access to education for learners with special needs by partnering with the Western Cape Department of Education to test and evaluate EdTech products with enhanced accessibility features. This project will gather evidence on how these tools, such as assistive technologies like speech-to-text and sign language interpretation, can enhance learning outcomes for students with disabilities. The ultimate goal is to build a framework for implementing EdTech in special needs classrooms across South Africa and develop recommendations for effective integration in both special and ordinary schools.

Alexei McGregor, Injini MEL Head, said:- "At Injini, we are thrilled to partner with the International Centre for EdTech Impact to make education more inclusive in South Africa. We aim to use EdTech solutions to help students with special needs thrive, and through this project, we will gather evidence on how well assistive technologies work. Working with our partners, we want to create a plan for integrating these tools in special needs and regular classrooms. Ultimately, we aim to ensure all students have equal access to an excellent education."

Nora Marketos, ICEIE Head of Partnerships at the International Centre for EdTech Impact, further commented: “EdTech holds a large promise in broadening access for learners with disabilities. However, evidence on most effective approaches in low resources contexts is still limited. We are excited to partner with Injini to uncover key factors enabling the effective implementation and scaling of accessible EdTech solutions. Thereby, we aim to contribute our part to more equitable learning outcomes.”


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