Welcome to our 2024 interns!

We are thrilled to introduce the newest members of our WiKIT team - our incredibly talented student interns from the University of Oulu! As a global network of EdTech researchers, learning scientists, and industry experts offering support to EdTech companies, we are excited to offer this unique opportunity to engage the students in industry-supported research experience. Our interns will work directly with EdTech companies under the supervision of experienced WiKIT researchers – they will thus have an opportunity to advance their careers by applying their skills in the real-world settings while making a tangible impact on the industry.

There is a significant demand for research support and capacity building within the EdTech industry. WiKIT is committed to addressing this need by engaging qualified researchers and our goal is to further support the ecosystem by nurturing the next generation of researchers who have the skills to effectively collaborate with the industry. By engaging the next generation, we aim to foster greater academia-industry partnerships while driving innovation in the field of educational technology. We also believe that fresh perspectives and youthful energy are key to pushing the boundaries of what can be achieved.

Each of our interns brings a unique set of skills and experiences that make them stand out. Their passion for technology and education well aligns with our mission to make learning accessible and engaging for everyone. Our interns are currently pursuing their innovative Master’s degree in ‘Learning, Education and Technology’ at Oulu University, Finland – we are, therefore, extremely excited to further nurture our collaboration with this forward looking university.

At WiKIT, we are a community that supports and learns from one another, and we can’t wait to see the amazing contributions our new interns will make. Without further ado, let’s meet our stars and join us in welcoming them to WiKIT!

Tam Le Hong is passionate about game-based learning, social emotional learning, digital citizenship, and human-AI collaboration. Tam brings a rich background in educational technology and programme coordination in creating innovative products and solutions to make learning more fun, relevant, and accessible. Tam’s journey began with a decade-long tenure at the U.S. Department of State, where she led educational exchange programs, laying the groundwork for her profound understanding of global education systems.

Transitioning into the EdTech sector and before pursuing her Master’s degree at the University of Oulu, Tam has developed expertise in learning design and management in Vietnam and more broadly within Southeast Asia’s dynamic and exciting market. Her hands-on experiences have equipped her with insights into the sector’s unique challenges and she has become critically aware of the pitfalls facing fast-growing EdTech ventures that lack a solid, evidence-based foundation. Tam is committed to fostering sustainable development and long-term impact in educational technologies. Joining WiKIT, Tam is excited to leverage her experience and vision to contribute to the global EdTech landscape, advocating for innovative solutions for the new, changing world with AI.

Xialou Rui has rich experience in teaching English as second language to teenagers. During her teaching career, Rui was excited to try and test various digital tools. In her native China, she has witnessed first-hand how in-service teachers may struggle with digitalization challenges. Rui has therefore embarked on her Mater’s degree in ‘Learning, Education and Technology’ in Oulu. She is passionate about supporting dialogue between teachers and EdTech designers to create digital tools designed based on state-of-the-art learning sciences and research while also supporting real-world classroom solutions. At WiKIT, Rui hopes to gain insights into the academia-industry EdTech ecosystem, preparing her for a future research career.

 Anna Luzai has been actively using EdTech products and solutions as an ESL educator for many years. Anna’s hands-on experience allowed her to see the potential of EdTech solutions to make learning experience of students interactive, engaging, and fun. She was particularly impressed by the difference in students’ motivation and engagement levels. This led Anna to start her Master’s programme ‘Learning, Education and Technology’ at University of Oulu, Finland, as she wanted to support her practice with strong research-based approach. Her journey to Oulu led to a bigger question – what is happening on the other side of EdTech? This is something Anna is excited to explore at WiKIT. She hopes to transfer some of her experience as an educator, user, and researcher to help to support EdTech companies in creating better products that influence learning of many people around the world. 

 If you would like to join WiKIT’s internship programme, email Anna at anna@wikit.no


Laterite-ICEI Partnership


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