Nordic EdTech/digitalisation:

generating evidence through

piloting testbeds


This report provides a comprehensive overview of the current state of EdTech provision, testing, and digitalization across five Nordic countries—Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Norway, and Finland. It focuses on sustainable models for delivering high-quality EdTech and offers a snapshot of the landscape as of 2024. Launched at the Nordic EdTech Summit, 2024.

Published: August 26, 2024

Authors: Anna Åkerfeldt, Esben Trier, Natalia I. Kucirkova, Kenttälä Marjo

Foreword: Jonathan Viner

Collaboration: Global EdTech Testbed Network (GETN)

Suggested citation:

Nordic EdTech Group (2024). Nordic EdTech/digitalisation: generating evidence through piloting testbeds. International Centre for EdTech Impact; WiKIT:


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